Hver gang du booker via Evarto, modtager du et gavekort på op til 500 kr., som kan bruges hos 200+ danske brands.


Find and book a meeting room

Search between more than 950 meeting rooms in Denmark

Lad os finde , som matcher dine ønsker

Søg blandt 950+ steder

Gratis og uforpligtende

92% får svar indenfor en time

Garanti for den bedste pris

Popular meeting rooms in Copenhagen

Popular meeting rooms in Odense

tre tilbud illustration
Få hjælp til at finde de 3 bedste tilbud

Describe the ideal meeting room for your needs

Give a brief description about the meeting room that you are seeking. You can mention the number of participants in the meeting, the location of the meeting room and the duration of the meeting.


We research the market and find the best meeting rooms

We will do our best to find the meeting room you are looking for. We may contact you with follow-up question to ensure we find the best match.


You will receive up to three offers on meeting rooms

The three meeting rooms that we have selected will contact you with an offer directly. Now it is up to you if you decide if you book the meeting room.


Dem der har booket igennem os siger

Statens Museum for Kunst

Jeg fandt flere super flotte steder, som jeg aldrig havde hørt om, og jeg modtog tilbud fra dem allerede samme dag.

Patrick Vestergaard

Fandt stedet til deres konference på Evarto


God service hele vejen igennem! Evarto hjalp os med at finde alternativer til vores firmajulefrokost, da alle steder, vi selv havde kontaktet, var fuldt booket.

Charlotte Frimann

Fandt stedet til deres firmajulefrokost på Evarto

Royal Stage

Jeg fik indhentet 3 tilbud via Evarto, hvor to af dem var rigtig gode bud! Vi fik forhandlet en rigtig god løsning med et af dem. En stor anbefaling af Evarto herfra.

Carsten Nissen

Fandt stedet til deres Kick-off event

1/3 udtalelser

De seneste Bookinger

Der var over 20.000 bookinger på Evarto i 2023

The Tribe på Charlottenlund Slot
The Tribe på Charlottenlund SlotCharlottenlund
Booket igennem Evarto

Britta Mølgaard bookede til Dagsmøde

12 personer
Hybrid mødeudstyr
Den Sorte Diamant
Den Sorte DiamantKøbenhavn
Booket igennem Evarto

Amira (Udenrigsministeriet) bookede til Konference

150 personer
Udsigt til vand
Mogens Dahl Koncertsal
Mogens Dahl KoncertsalKøbenhavn S
Booket igennem Evarto

Emilie Reves bookede til Julefrokost

100 personer
Julefrokostpakke med fribar
Scene & mikrofon
Dallund Slot
Dallund SlotSøndersø
Booket igennem Evarto

Annette Reintoft bookede til 2 dages afdelingsmøde

20 deltagere
Med overnatning

Udvalgte geografiske områder og byer

Geographic link - København K
Geographic link - Aarhus
Geographic link - Ålborg
Geographic link - Odense
Geographic link - Storkøbenhavn
Geographic link - Sjælland
Geographic link - Østjylland
Geographic link - Fyn
Geographic link - Vejle
Geographic link - Esbjerg
Geographic link - Kolding
Geographic link - Horsens
Geographic link - Roskilde
Geographic link - Nordjylland
Geographic link - Vestjylland

Populære filtre for meeting rooms

FAQ about meeting rooms

The price of meeting rooms varies based on the duration, number of participants and location. A popular option is the half-day meeting package, which typically includes the meeting room, refreshments, and a dinner menu. At most venues, the price range of this option spans between 500 DKK and 1000 DKK.


Meetings can range from an hour-long to several days with overnight stays in between. On Evarto, you can find package arrangements for any meeting duration. These packages can include everything from the rental of the meeting room to service, food, and drinks.


Every meeting is unique, and it's important to reflect on what facilities and technical equipment are required for the meeting to be a success. On Evarto, you can find a wide variety of meeting rooms. When searching for a meeting room on the platform, you can use the filter function to narrow down the results and only show meeting rooms that meet your specific requirements.


Some people prefer to arrange meetings in large, central cities such as Copenhagen, Aarhus, or Odense, while others prefer more spacious surroundings. If you choose to plan your meeting outside the city, there may be challenges with public transportation, but it can be easier to find a meeting room in scenic surroundings.


TV2 Reklame

Vi hjælper dig både på jobbet og privat

Kun 30 sek

4,9 på Google

star rating

4,8 på TrustPilot

More than meeting rooms

Evarto gives you the opportunity to find everything from impressive conference centers to intimate party venues across Denmark, allowing you to choose the perfect location for your event.

Jeg hjælper dig gerne med at finde det helt rigtige sted

Peter Brinch JohansenCustomer success manager

Start din søgning og opdag mere end 950 steder fordelt over hele Danmark